Buckle Up!

Hey Everyone,

I know this is a long time coming. I’ve been talking about it for a while, but I wanted to make my first blog post. My goal is to do a weekly update to let you guys know what I’m reading. My interests are in several areas. First, and foremost, I’m a Science Fiction guy – more specifically Star Wars. If there is a Star Wars book to read, there is a good chance that is what I’m doing. Also, I love reading theology. I’m kind of a mixed bag when it comes to theology. My interests align mostly with the Lutheran and Anglican traditions. We’re a very rare breed. Most Anglican/Episcopalian’s align either with Geneva (Reformed) or Anglo-Catholic. We square up closely with the teachings of the greatest theologian besides St. Paul, which is Martin Luther. Many people will disagree with me, which is okay. You don’t have to be a Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, or any other tradition to enjoy his writings. Which brings me to this site in general. It’s my goal to give you a taste of everything. I’ll give you anything from C.S. Lewis (Anglican), Martin Luther (Lutheran), Gerhard Forde (Radical Lutheran), Brennan Manning (he was a terrible Roman Catholic), Michael Horton (Reformed), and all else in between. You don’t have to agree with everything they said to enjoy them, because half of the time I can’t even agree with myself. But I would say that they have some great contributions to the Christian faith. If you want to get to know my exact views on Christianity, take a look at the Statement of Faith page in the About Us section. Again, you don’t have to hold my views to enjoy the content. It’s my hope and desire that we, as the church catholic, can mainly focus on what unites us rather than our divisions.


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